buy 2 Broke Girls Portrait T-Shirt

2 Broke Girls Portrait T-Shirt

2 Broke Girls Max And Caroline Portrait T-Shirt

This grey women’s t-shirt (men’s version also available) shows a big black 2 Broke Girls logo and above that the cupcake girls.

Yes this t-shirt shows a nice black drawing of Max Black and Caroline Channing.

If 2 Broke Girls is one of your favorite shows on TV then this could be the shirt you have been waiting for.

Made from 100% cotton this 2 Broke Girls t-shirt is available in junior sizes Small – XL and yes all sizes look great and have the same amazing graphics.

Just imagine going out for a cupcake while wearing a shirt like this.

OK don’t think about that cupcake now just come get your own 2 Broke Girls Max And Caroline Portrait T-Shirt.
