buy Schrute Farms Mug

Schrute Farms Mug

The Office Schrute Farms Mug

Now The Office fans can drink coffee from this Schrute Farms Mug.

We all know that Dwight Schrute besides working at Dunder Mifflin also has a beet farm and this mug is all about that.

The 15oz mug is black with on both the front and back and image of Dwight Schrute and around him it says “Schrute Farms My Heart Beets Only For You” and there are also some beets on it so that we all know what it is all about.

You can get this The Office mug and it will be perfect for your morning coffee and afternoon tea and this mug like Dwight needs to be taken care of so the say to hand wash the mug and not to use it in the microwave.

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