Hello Kitty Bike Bell

Hello kitty Bicycle bell

A Hello Kitty bike is not complete without a Hello Kitty bicycle bell.

And that is exactly what you get a nice black bell with a picture of Hello Kitty on top.
This bell is 2″ in diameter and will make any kids and adult bike look so much more fun.

And from a safety stand a bell is good to have (most places mandotory) as now people can hear you when you come from behind.

If you bike needs a bell then don’t wait just order this Hello Kitty Bicycle Bell.

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>> Hello Kitty <<

Optimus Prime Bicycle Helmet

Transformers Optimus Prime Bike Helmet and bicycle Bell

Kids love to ride there bikes but hate to wear the helmets, how do we solve that?

Simple give them a helmet they love like this one for the Transformers fans.

This red Optimus Prime bicycle helmet looks great and is safe for you kids. And it even comes with a Optimus Prime Bell.

Now you can just stop worrying because your kids head will be protected by robot power.

Check out this Transformers Optimus Prime Bicycle Helmet and Bell.
