So the baby got born and you want to tell the whole world about this but sending an normal baby announcement card is kinda boring and nobody keeps them besides the grandparents.
But now there is this fun magnet that does the same as the good all baby card but now in magnet form.
This magnet is 3 1/2 x 5 inches and whos baby Looney Tunes characters surrounding a picture of your baby and below the picture you get all the typical baby info like the name when it was born and weight and even and personal message.
And the magnet comes in sets of 25 and include an envelope and can be send by first class mail with only a regular postage stamp.
So this is your opertunity to be different and show the world your new born baby.
And of course the cute baby Bugs Bunny, Tweety, Sylvester and the Tasmanian Devil are also extremly cute together with your baby.
Don’t wait to long just come and order your Looney Tunes Baby Announcement Magnet.