Your iPhone will never be the same with a Homer Simpson snap on case. Your iPhone 3G and 3GS will be gratefull that you have something that looks so stunning to protect it.
So go order a Homer Simpson Snap On iPhone Case
Your iPhone will never be the same with a Homer Simpson snap on case. Your iPhone 3G and 3GS will be gratefull that you have something that looks so stunning to protect it.
So go order a Homer Simpson Snap On iPhone Case
Homer is collecting money for more beer because he likes beer.
Help him collect some more cash and maybe he will share with you.
If you are in need of a new money bank and who isn’t then have a closer look at the Homer Simpson Beer Bank
What better company then Homer Simpson. Now you can have Homer joining you everyday in the office. He will just sit on top of you screen or anywhere else you like him and shake his bobblehead.
Get you own personal Homer Simpson Computer Sitter and impress your colleagues at work.
Always wanted to be Homer Simpson?
Now you can kinda be Homer just get yourself this Half Head Adult size mask that covers the complete top of you head but leave your mouth free for some nice Duff Beer or maybe a donut or two.
Homer Simpson would not be him self if he was not taking it easy and here you see him relaxing in his chair.
But this is not just a chair with homer sitting in it, it is also a desk light that works by simply plugging it in to the USB port of your computer.
If you like the Simpsons and Ice then this is the perfect item to have in your freezer.
The Homer Simpsons Ice Cube Tray that makes cubes of ice in the shape of Homers Head.
Get your own Simpsons Homer Shaped Ice Cube Tray and be a hit at your next party.
I like this shirt. A huge Homer face on a yellow shirt that is the funnies thing ever.
This make a great gift for a funny guy. Have a look at this Homer Simpson Huge Face T-Shirt.
McFarlane is great in making toys from hit TV series and now they did a great job with this figure of the Ironic Punishment.
Remember when Home sold his soul to the Devil? right so now you can See Homer Simpson eat donuts lots and lots of donuts. You can actually feed them to him. This set comes with 200 donuts just like in the episode “The Devil and Homer Simpson” from Treehouse of Horror IV.
Go check out the McFarlane Toys – The Simpsons Ironic Punishment