buy Winnie The Pooh Beach Towel

Winnie The Pooh Beach Towel

Winnie The Pooh Beach Towel

Winnie the Pooh our favorite little bear wants to hang out at the pool with us but they don’t allow real bears in the pool area so Winnie was smart and got himself printed on this beach towel.

This 100% cotton Winnie the Pooh towel is about  60 x 30 inch and made of quality materials that will last a long time.

The towel has some fun colors and even some leaves and flower and of course a huge print of Winnie the Pooh.

Besides the beach this towel is of course great for at home and the pool to.

If a Winnie the Pooh towel is what you are looking for then you found it.
Now is the time to have a closer look at this Winnie The Pooh Beach Towel.

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